Oppo Bank of India, Near Nababhat, Bardhaman, 713104
What People Says


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Please take a look below at some of the recent testimonials we have received from our patients. We welcome patient feedback to let us know how we can improve – please send us details of your experience.

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Murat Sili

Hi dr, my name is murat. I am a dentist in turkey.give me your email contact please?I want to speak with you,around maxillofacial surgery.Can you help me please?

Dr.Tanmay Samanta

This centre is excellent in any kind of maxillofacial surgery, especially in oral cancer and micro vascular surgery

Ranajoy Dey

Iwent for a treatment of cancer in lower jaw for my uncle, the doctor removed part of lower jaw and neck glands then repaired it with bones of leg. My uncle is doing well

Mousumi Khatun

Good survice and good dr treatment

Pyaralisk Kalna

One of my relative had tongue cancer, we got treated here half of the tongue was remove and replace by flap from thigh. Now one and half year over my relaiis absolutely doiy well. Thanks doctor.

Shyamal Saha

Recently i visited this clinic for my friend jaw surgery, he met with an accident, as a result he had fracture mandible. Doctor fixed few plates to fix the jaw. My friend is absolutely fine now. Thank you Doctor

Arindam Hazra

Recently I had to visit bardhaman maxillofacial clinic for my uncle, he had squamous cell carcinoma in lower jaw. He has undergone neck dissection and resection of lower jaw. Jaw reconstruction done with fibula bone and shape is excellent. I personally recommend Dr S A Salam for any kind of Oral cancer.

Jakir Sk

My grand paren got operated for cancer in lower jaw 2 and half year back , he is now absolutely alright. We thank doctor for excellent work

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